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Life Insurance Eligibility and Enrollment Overview

Life Insurance Eligibility and Enrollment Overview


Life insurance is simply intended to cover the financial risk of death. In general, anyone who wants to make sure their family does not have to change its lifestyle after his or her death needs to have it. Life insurance has several variables:

  • Duration of coverage
  • Frequency and Stability of Payments
  • Payout Method
  • Amount of Coverage

You can use simple rules of thumb, but a real evaluation of your needs should take your whole financial picture into account to determine what you are trying to accomplish.

The enormous cost of your burial and other final expenses is not a burden you want to place on your loved ones. By purchasing adequate burial life insurance, you can eliminate this burden at such a time of sorrow, at a very low cost.

The national funeral directors association estimates that the average cost of a funeral is close to $7,000. This does not even include other expenses and unpaid debts one might have. Social Security only pays a death benefit of $255 (if you qualify). The cost of settling an estate continues to increase. Unpaid hospital bill, legal bills, funeral and probate fees continue to increase the cost of dying. As a result, many Americans find themselves without the necessary financial resources. Most aren't even aware that a burial insurance policy can help protect against these problems.